Our organizing committee has worked hard to put together a program which will benefit medical and allied health professionals of all levels. The theme for this meeting is “Orbiting the Multi-Faceted World of Thyroid and Orbital Diseases”. The meeting will comprise of lively case-based discussions on many aspects of thyroid eye and orbital diseases to promote active learning.
The second day of the conference will be concentrating on Thyroid Eye Disease and there is a special one day rate for Endocrinologists to attend the second day of the meeting on 27th May 2023.
The Keynote Speakers for the Meeting are:
Prof Lelio Baldeschi
President, European Group on Graves’ Orbitopathy (EUGOGO),
Dr Peter Dolman
Clinical Professor, University of British Columbia (UBC)
Dr Marius Stan
Consultant, Endocrinology at Mayo Clinic
We are pleased to announce that the meeting registration and call for abstracts are open! Please visit our website at: www.orbit-ted.sg for more information on the invited faculty and program line-up. Do also forward the information to your fellow Endocrinologists and trainees and encourage them to attend.